Local Hosting or VPS

Supports Debian/Linux/Ubuntu and others.

🚀 Running with Legacy Method

Get ready with the Mandatory Vars that we provided in the .env config file.

Don't understand what you should do?

Ok, let us guide you. Now open your vps and login into the server.

After you logged in into the server, then just run all the command below one by one by copying them and paste into the command line of your vps and Enter after you pasting them to run the command.

1. Upgrade and Update:

sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y

2. Installing Required Packages

sudo apt install git curl python3-pip ffmpeg -y

3. Setting up PIP

pip3 install -U pip

4. Installing Node

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm i -g npm

5. Installing Process Manager

npm install pm2@latest -g

6. Clone the Repository & Open the Directory

git clone https://github.com/levina-lab/video-stream && cd video-stream

7. Install Requirements

pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt

8. Create .env with example.env

cp example.env .env

9. Editing Vars in .env with your own Values

➣ read config doc and vars doc for this value !

vim .env

Press i button on keyboard to start Editing vars.

Press Esc button on keyboard to exit from editing mode.

The type :wq! and Press Enter button on keyboard to save file and back to home.

10. Finally Run the Bot

python3 main.py

To stop the process press Ctrl + C button on Keyboard.

The python3 main.py command will only run the code as long as you still have the vps open, but when you close your vps the bot will stop working too.

To keep the bot running and working while closing/exit from vps use the command below !

But before run this command below make sure if you already stop the current process that running using python3 main.py command.

pm2 start 'python3 main.py' --name=video-stream

To stop current process use: pm2 stop (session number)

To restart the bot use: pm2 restart (session number)

To use this command make sure if you're not out from video-stream directory, because you must in the directory to run this Command.

Last updated